Drew Decher ('DEK-er')

Super Affiliate & Marketing Coach

From Corporate Grind To 7 Figure Entrepreneur!

How I Went From Overworked Employee To Building 3 Successful Businesses Online & You Can Model It Now!

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From Corporate Grind To 7 Figure Entrepreneur!

How I Went From Overworked Employee To Building 3 Successful Businesses Online & You Can Model It Now!

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Below is How I Got Started

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Start Your Success Path Masterclass

Whether you're just starting or already have some experience, the Success Path Masterclass is a training program that teaches you how to start and grow your own business. Including a step-by-step action plan, personal coaching, & special lessons on business ideas. The program offers training on how to make money quickly & challenges you to improve your life & business skills.

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Start Your 15-Day Challenge

In 15 days, learn how to start a digital business, how to make it grow, and how to market it well. It covers sales, branding, storytelling, getting customers, social media, and email tips. At the end, you make a plan to keep growing your business. It's a quick way to learn a lot about online business and marketing.

Legendary Marketer affiliate marketing, how to make money online

Start Your 15-Day Challenge

In 15 days, learn how to start a digital business, how to make it grow, and how to market it well. It covers sales, branding, storytelling, getting customers, social media, and email tips. At the end, you make a plan to keep growing your business. It's a quick way to learn a lot about online business and marketing.

Entre Institute - start your online business in 2024 - work from home

Start Your Success Path Masterclass

Whether you're just starting or already have some experience, the Success Path Masterclass is a training program that teaches you how to start and grow your own business. Including a step-by-step action plan, personal coaching, & special lessons on business ideas. The program offers training on how to make money quickly & challenges you to improve your life & business skills.


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Join "The Entre-Preneur Network" on Facebook
The "Entre-Preneur Network" is a Facebook group for people who want to start their own business. In this group, we focus on three types of businesses: affiliate marketing, digital agencies, and creating online courses (knowledge business). I share my own business journey, giving tips, tricks, and special videos and recordings that only group members can see. It's a great place to learn and grow your own business with support from others who are doing the same thing.

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an affiliate marketer leveraging social media

Leveraging Social Media for Affiliate Marketing: A Guide to Increasing Engagement and Sales

January 23, 20243 min read

Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs!

Ever felt like you're shouting into the void on social media? You're not alone. But here's the kicker – social media, when done right, can be your goldmine for affiliate marketing. Let's break down how you can turn likes into leads and shares into sales.

1. Facebook: The King of Connections

  • Personal Touch: On Facebook, it’s all about connection. Share stories, not just promotions. Let your followers see the person behind the posts. This builds trust, and in the world of clicks and conversions, trust is currency.

    creating facebook ads
  • Groups and Communities: Join groups where your target audience hangs out. Be helpful, not salesy. The aim is to be seen as a resource, not just another marketer.

  • Facebook Ads: They’re worth it. Targeted ads can boost your reach big time. Plus, Facebook’s analytics are top-notch. Use them to understand what’s working and who’s biting.

Expanding Your Reach on Facebook Don't overlook the power of Facebook Live and interactive features like polls and Q&A sessions. These tools offer a direct line to your audience, allowing real-time engagement that can boost your brand's visibility and credibility. Also, consider the timing of your posts and the frequency. Regular updates keep you in the limelight, but over-posting can be a turn-off.

2. Instagram: Where Looks Matter

  • Aesthetics Are Key: Make your feed look good. This is Instagram, after all. But keep it real. People can smell a fake a mile away.

  • Stories and Reels: These are your best friends. They’re like little windows into your daily life. Use them to showcase products, share quick tips, or just say ‘hi’.

    a digital marketer creating an instagram post using canva
  • Hashtags and Collaboration: Use relevant hashtags. And hey, why not collaborate with influencers? Just make sure they align with your brand and message.

Maximizing Instagram for Affiliate Marketing Leverage Instagram Shopping to tag products in your posts, making it easier for followers to make purchases. Utilize IGTV for longer, more detailed content about the products you're promoting. This platform is perfect for tutorials or in-depth reviews, which can add significant value for your audience.

3. TikTok: The New Kid on the Block

an influencer affiliate marketer creating a 15 second recording
  • Trendy is the New Tactic: TikTok is all about trends. Jump on them to stay relevant. But remember, authenticity wins over trying too hard.

  • Quick and Catchy: You’ve got seconds to grab attention. Make it count. Be funny, be quirky, be you.

  • Behind-the-Scenes: People love seeing the making of a product or the real life behind a brand. It adds a layer of trust and relatability.

TikTok Strategies for Affiliate Marketers Don’t forget to use TikTok's unique features like duets and challenges to engage with your audience and other creators. This not only increases your visibility but also adds a fun, interactive element to your content. Track the performance of your videos using TikTok analytics to refine your approach over time.

4. Pinterest: The Visual Search Engine

  • Pin with Purpose: Pinterest isn’t just a digital scrapbook. It’s a search engine. Optimize your pins with keywords and high-quality images.

  • Link it Up: Make sure your pins link back to your website or blog. That’s where the magic (read: sales) happens.

  • Boards and Trends: Create boards that speak to your niche. And keep an eye on trends. Pinterest users love fresh ideas.

    affiliate marketer on pinterest

Pinterest: A Hub for Evergreen Content Pinterest is unique in its ability to keep content relevant for longer periods. Focus on creating evergreen content that continues to drive traffic long after it’s pinned. Rich pins, which include extra information directly on the pin itself, can be particularly effective for affiliate marketing.

Conclusion: There you have it – a no-nonsense guide to cracking the social media code for affiliate marketing. Remember, it’s not about being everywhere at once. Pick your platforms based on where your audience hangs out and what fits your style. And above all, keep it real. Authenticity is your ace in the digital deck.

Got questions or want to dive deeper into the world of affiliate marketing? Feel free to reach out or click here. Let's turn your social media game into a sales powerhouse, one post at a time!

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